July 2004

July 26 & 27: Tenedos Bay

Jacquie at Lake Urwin
Jacquie waterskiing
Christine & Jacquie on the Windglider #1
Christine & Jacquie on the Windglider #2
Christine jumping off the top of the boat
Jacquie jumping off the top of the boat

July 10th & 11th: Anan Creek

Christine's Pictures
Brown bear
Eagle flying
Jacquie's Pictures
Black bear in a tree
Black bear
Nancy's Pictures
Brown bear w/ a Fish
Brown bear head shot
Black bear club resting in a tree
The girls fishing
Mother black bear and cub
Black bear
Brown bear
Jacquie with the camera
Another cub in a tree
July 8th: Wrangell
Christine fishing in her "Moose" clothes
Jacquie's friend "Dodger" the dog
Nancy fishing
Petroglyph at the beach
July 7th: Petersburg
An eagle fishing in Fredrick Sound
Another fishing shot
July 6th: Chapin Bay
Jacquie playing on a log
Eagle's nest with an eagle in it
July 3rd:Sitka
Walking with Spud
Christine and Mogali
An eagling landing near the marina
July 1st - 2nd
Jacquie and her 25 pound KING!
Whale Tail